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Public Records Request Form


To request records, please fill out and submit the form below: 


The charge for Public Records are 20 cents per black and white copy and 25 cents per color copy

The request will be processed in compliance with the California Public Records Act, Government Code Section 6250 et seq. The RCSD Staff shall determine within 10 days after receipt of a request whether the request, in whole or in part, identifies disclosable public records in the possession of RCSD. RCSD shall promptly notify the requestor of its determination regarding this request. I understand that there will be a charge for copies if copies of records are requested. For copies of the above-listed public records, I agree to pay RCSD a copying charge of twenty cents per page (twenty five cents for color). I also understand that payment of fees is required in advance of delivery of any requested records. If more than fifty (50) pages are requested, the District may require a deposit before making copies. I will be notified in writing if RCSD does not have the requested records.
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