Are you ready to talk street sweeping solutions? Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 7 p.m. the Rossmoor Community Services District will hold a public stakeholders meeting in the Rush Park Auditorium to discuss alternative options to the current street sweeping schedule in Rossmoor. This is your opportunity to sound off on street sweeping! We encourage all residents to attend and opine. The meeting will include representatives from the Rossmoor Homeowners Association, Los Alamitos Unified School District, Orange County Sheriff’s Department, Community Traffic/Safety Advisory Committee and Rossmoor residents. Over time, residents have expressed frustration with the current all-day schedule.
Rossmoor has 63 curb miles of winding roads and cul-de-sacs. Currently, the District contracts with R.F. Dickson to perform street sweeping services on the FIRST and THIRD Monday of every month between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Parking is prohibited on local streets during street sweeping hours as authorized by California Vehicle Code Section 22507.6. Orange County Sheriff’s Department is responsible for the enforcement of the no parking provision on street sweeping days. County signs and courtesy reminder banners are posted at community entryways.
At the August 13, 2019 Rossmoor Community Services District regular Board meeting, staff reported on the benefits of changing the current street sweeping policy/ordinance from the first and third Mondays of the month to the first and third Monday (even numbering residential homes) and the first and third Tuesday (odd numbered residential homes) of the month, in order to provide alternative parking on street sweeping days. The RCSD Board directed staff to schedule a Stakeholders Meeting in order to obtain input from the entire community and provide information on future strategies.
Your voice matters! Please join us in the Rush Park Auditorium, 3001 Blume Drive, Rossmoor, CA 90720. Help your neighbors generate common sense solutions that will enhance the quality of life in Rossmoor. For more information, please visit ###