Street Sweeping Facts

- Rossmoor has 63 curb miles which are swept on the 1st and 3rd Monday’s and Tuesdays of every month. When a street sweeping day is a holiday, the streets are swept on the following Wednesday.
- The Rossmoor Community Services District (RCSD) contracts with Sunset Property Services for street sweeping services.
- The County reimburses the RCSD for the cost of street sweeping. edit A County resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors establishes the hours of no parking (8:30a to 4:30p)everywhere in Rossmoor on street sweeping days.
- The signage at major entrances to Rossmoor is deemed to be adequate and sufficient as a notice of street sweeping no parking days and hours by the County.
- The County Sheriff is responsible for the enforcement of the no parking provision on street sweeping days. edit Only utility, commercial and construction vehicles are exempt from being cited during street sweeping days.
- Based on the no parking provision, a vehicle parked in Rossmoor may be cited even if the street has already been swept.
- Rossmoor is divided into three street sweeping routes except during heavy leaf season in the Fall when four or five sweepers may be required.
- The County Sheriff only deploys one parking enforcement officer even though the community may be served by three to five street sweeping routes.
- Street sweeper routes are based on a fixed and continuous path beginning at the north end of Rossmoor and moving southward on a route designed to sweep every street mile in the community.
For Additional Questions About Street Sweeping, Please See Frequently Asked Questions Page.